Sunday, April 22, 2012

Overcoming Laziness

Sloth is my greatest sin. I hope everyone is proud of me for sticking to my blogging schedule of at-least-every-Sunday because that is a huge step for me! 

I mentioned on Monday that I wasn't having a very good day. That kind of continued on for the rest of the week. Work on Tuesday was filled with even more ticks, and a bunch of BS from our managing staff. Wednesday I woke up with a migraine that caused me to miss the Red Sox game we had tickets to that night, and then I woke up up with it still bouncing around my cranium on Thursday. Friday was surprisingly all right at work despite it being hot and me having over 130 ticks on my clothing over the course of the day. (insert horrified look here) Oh! And then I had one actually attached to my calf when I got home...


This weekend I had some issues with not wanting to be sociable, but I think I managed to put up at least a decent effort at getting over myself. And today I accomplished a lot of general cleaning and life rearranging.

I guess I should expect these cycles of good days and bad days, but it's so frustrating to have a bad week when you've just decided to turn your life around! 

At any rate, I wanted to share some of my current reading list:

 The first book on that stack (The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin) was an unexpected source of inspiration for this blog. I discovered it last weekend by chance while I was waiting to pick a friend up from her house. Ms. Gretchen had an epiphany one day that she could be happier in her life - not that she was unhappy, but there was definite room for improvement. And she wrote a book about her year-long journey toward this goal. I plan on posting a review of said book here when I finish it.

Gretchen actually references the last book in this stack (Stumbling On Happiness by Daniel Gilbert) in the beginning of her book. Lucky for me, I already owned it! Gilbert's book and This I Believe, which is a collection of essays on the title subject, were both given to me by my father in years past. Both are fantastic sources that inspire a lot of self-reflection, something I've been very big on lately.

And just so you don't think I'm some self-enlightened yogi... Here is the stack of books that I bought yesterday from an amazing used bookstore in western Massachusetts:

Oh, don't look at me that way. That first book is purely research for my romance novel writing. I swear! >.>

To be fair, it was my boyfriend who found it for me. And I just couldn't resist.

I started reading the I Ching today. I shall report more on that later. For now, suffice to say that it seems like reading and studying it shall fall well in line with my planned tai chi and yoga hobbies.

One more! I got the boy to commit to a running schedule with me. It comes from the wonderful book and resource, The Complete Book of Running for Women by Claire Kowalchik. I've long wanted to be a real runner. I've managed an on and off-again running schedule over the years since college, but now I really want to make it a regular habit. No gym bunny am I! I will also write more about this later.

Power on, my fellow Feel Better-ites. Somewhere there's a terrific world where we'll all gather and talk about nothing but how awesome everything in our lives is. :)

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